Newsday on Russians' love for nukes: lost in translation?
I am a news junkie. It's the first thing I open when i wake up (against doctor's orders), and often the last thing I read before bed. Admittedly, given the nature of news these days, it's often a terrible idea. I also do multiple followup check-ins during the day. I binge on headlines using the Google News app on my phone which super helpfully auto-aggregates news from various sources. I also frequent a handful of news sites like CNN and BBC, and then deep-dive into the longer-form articles from the WashPost, NYT, Atlantic, and Guardian. Sloppy journalism is a thing My biggest pet peeve in journalism, aside from outright lies, are the articles that appear sloppy. There are several kinds of sloppy. One I see all the time is an announcement of some new sensational research finding, e.g. eating more oranges is linked to higher homicide rates. Wait, what? What's the connection? Is it a correlation or a causation , something media r...