The odds of buying lottery tickets in Georgia

Given the recent record lottery jackpots, who hasn't wondered "what if"? Or secretly imagined themselves a winner, if for a brief second? Even those of us who fully appreciate the cruel reality of incredibly small odds of winning have entertained the thought. And as we know, you can't win if you don't play. Which was exactly what I set out to do, among millions of others seduced by the massive jackpots. Except I kept forgetting to stop by a gas station or a convenience store to buy one. To my rescue, the state of Georgia released a brand-new mobile app where one could not only check their numbers, but even purchase lottery tickets from their mobile device. No more trips to the gas station, no more missed opportunities! Conveniently, the app offered me several options to fund my lottery account, Paypal among them: The app connected to my Paypal account almost instantly, but when I attempted to add funds from it, the transaction sudden...